About Us
Hotel Tematín in Moravany nad Váhom is situated 3 km from the centre of the spatown of Piešťany. The biggest Slovak spa town Piestany is situated at the river Vahin the western Slovakia, surrounded by the mountains of Male Karpaty and Povazsky Inovec.The favourable geographical location of the town, which is 80 km from Bratislava and 150 km from Vienna away, builds unique conditions for the continual development of the spa town with its own specific atmosphere and active social life.The cultural life of the town offers different festivals, appearances of different folklore groups,exhibitions and a rich offer of theater and music appearances.Piestany with its surroundings builds unique conditions for sport and recreation (horse-riding, tennis, squash, golf, bike tourism, tandem parachute jumping...). River Váh and Lake Sĺňava are ideal for water sports, canoeing, yachting, sailing,boating, water skiing, swimming, fishing. The most beautiful place of Považský Inovec is Bezovec. There is built the tourist-sports centre under its peak, which provides the excellent conditionsin summer for hiking and touring, in winter time for downhill and cross-country skiing. More demanding recommended and popular routes of hiking and walking in Piešťany and closeenvirons are Čertova vec, castle ruins of Tematín, Beckov and Čachtice.
Hotel Tematín stands out for its pleasant and comfortable atmosphere as well as professionaland personal approach to guests. The hotel is situated in the middle of the beautiful and carefully maintained garden, the interior of the hotel is furnished in a rustic style.The air conditioned restaurant offers delicious dishes, prepared from first-class stock and wine lovers can choose from more than 100 types of wines from leading Slovak and foreign winemakers. The wellness centre offersa wide range of relaxing treatments provided by qualified physiotherapistswith more than 25 years of practice.

Otváracie hodiny reštaurácia marec
28.2.-2.3. uzavretá spoločnosť Po-Pi: 17:00-22:00 So: 11:30-22:00 Ne: len rezervácie

Zimný wellness balíček
Zimný čas je časom stíšenia, kedy okolitá príroda predstavuje oázu kľudu ideálnu k prechádzkam a načerpaniu energie ďaleko od ruchu mesta. Užite si uvoľňujúce wellness procedúry poskytované fyzioterapeutmi s dlhoročnou praxou, komornú rodinnú atmosféru, domácu stravu...

Wellness víkend
Urobte si pauzu, nechajte sa hýčkať príjemnými procedúrami, pochutnajte si na domácej strave a užite si vidiecku pohodu ďaleko od ruchu všedných dní.
I like it here so I come back regularly.
Bolek Polívka (clown, king and friend)
Tematin is a romantic guest house, where I have been going regularly twice a year for seven years now to take off from the stress of life, either alone or with friends.
Excellent cuisine at great prices, a wide range of wines at great prices,pleasant environment, always nice and helpful staff, the owners of the pension are alwaysat hand, good starting position for relaxation and tourism, also suitable forbusiness meetings, and family and corporate parties.
Dear friends, thank our family for a gift voucher to stay in yoursguest house. We are very satisfied with a wonderful familyenvironment, the culinary art, the kindness and the professionalism of the entire staff.Thanks to wellness, we have refreshed our bodies and our souls.
Oľga Hurtajová
ZPCCH would like to thank the entire staff for a pleasant stay.We felt very well here, our recreational-rehabilitationstay fulfilled its purpose and therefore we will be happy to come back here again.
Božena Štreicherová and members ZPCCH Topoľčany
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Penzión & Reštaurácia Tematín ***
Krížna 350
922 21 Moravany nad Váhom
Krížna 350, 922 21 Moravany nad Váhom